Monday, December 12, 2005

No new tax my eye. . .

Who is Mayor Townsell trying to kid in his media push for a rededicated tax touting “A way to fund city work with no new taxes”. Sure it’s true the tax is already being collected but that will end in three years however the rededication will extend that tax for another 10 years so this tax will be “new” for the extra 7 years.

Speaking of new taxes did any of catch Mayor Townsell’s hint at future new taxes the may be put on the table in 2006? In his memo Townsell says,

Other sources could be explored. Planning and permitting fees can be looked at so that new development can pay fees that cover the operational costs to the city to regulate that new development. Certainly, in boon years like we've had, building and development fess should pay these costs - not street and roads but salaries and operational budgets. Business licenses could be considered, Liquor taxes, etc. Nothing though can be counted just yet but may in 2006.

While most of these “other sources” of revenue are aimed at new development there is the hint that other new taxes will be asked for in the real near future.

One has to wonder though why the city is already collecting these fees for new development and use them to help fund the projects slated for the new tax, after all the new development in these “boom years” help create the need for these projects. But instead of doing what the Mayor is hinting at we are asked, even pleaded with, to extend a tax for 7 extra years.

It’s really a matter of priorities, for years the city has seen phenomenal growth yet very little has been done for the city’s infrastructure. Now we are being asked to fund their neglect with a new rededicate tax with hints to other new taxes planned. The city’s leaders need to get their priorities straight.

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