Tuesday, December 20, 2005

More departures at the Log Cabin Democrat

A reader of our blog sends us this message about more departures from the Log Cabin Democrat.

An update from the LCD, gone since your update - Business
reporter Rob O'Conner leaving at the end January and photographer Tony Reyes leaving Jan. 4 to go to the NW Arkansas Times in Fayetteville.

Jan. 2005 Staff

Managing Editor - David Keith(Gone - left without job)
Replacement: TBA

City Editor - Becky Harris (Gone - Went to work for ILS)
Replacement: Rumor is they have hired someone from a weekly in NW Arkansas

Assistant City Editor - Colleen Holt (Still there)

Lead Designer - Dean Wheeler (Gone - Fired in cost saving move)
Replacement: Krissie Files (Gone - to Hot Springs paper)
Replacement: on staff since Oct. 1

Page designer: Nick Walker (Gone: to Ark. Dem-Gaz).
Replacement: 20-year-old with no newspaper experience.

Reporter: Kevin Jones (Gone: went to become editor of the Trucker Magazine in LR)
Replacement: December grad of UCA.

Reporter: Tammy Keith (Gone - left without a job):
Replacement: TBA

Reporter: Rob O'Connor (Leaving at the first of the year):
Replacement: ?

Reporter: Rachel Parker (Still there)

Reporter: Kody Ford (Gone - job in NW Ark.)
Replacement: Jeremy Glove(Still there)

Reporter: Jennifer Thomsen (Gone - Fired in cost-cutting move.):
Replacement: Position eliminated.

Lifestyles editor: Carol Rolf (Still there)

Sports editor: Philip Seaton (still there)

Sports columnist: David McCollum (still there)

Sports desk (Part-time position): Chris Murray (still writes but not desk):
Replacement: TBA

Photographer: Tony Reyes (Leaving in January):
Replacement: TBA

Photographer: Landon Kramer (Gone - went into insurance in NE Ark.):
Replacement: part-timer.

As a citizen of Conway, We should be concerned that the corporation that owns the LCD keeps taking from the community and not giving us much back in return. It seems to get worse. It looks like the newspaper industry is going to fall victim to corporate greed.

Remember when radio stations used to have a local flavor and actually give local news updates and actually break in during severe weather and let you know what's going on. Corporations take over and bam, you get computer fed crap. Just ask those people what they were listening too when they were driving down the interstate during the tornadoes the first of December. I am sure they were getting local weather updates. Not.Thanks to people not caring about radio that's what happened.

Newspapers are heading down the same road. Get ready for it! It's
Coming . . . spoon fed crap from large corporations. . . Yuck!

"It's Coming . . .Spoon fed crap from large corporations"
Some would agrue that it is already here...


Troy Moseley said...

The LCD has developed into nothing more than a spin tool for the local establishment. I know of at least two local political stories that have either went unreported and/or under-reported.

One story is Alderman Adam Weeks blatant and repeated disregard of a lawful order made in his divorce case. Alderman Weeks was ordered to stay away from his estranged spouse for her protection. He violated this protection order on a number of occasions and was found to be in contempt by the divorce court. This happened during his re-election campaign but failed to make it to the paper.

After Weeks’ divorce case was settled and he won his re-election he showed up again at his ex-wife’s home and pushed his way in and allegedly stole items from her. This too failed to be considered news by the brilliant people at the LCD. What could be important than finding out the truth about a law breaking elected official, a horoscope section?

Another story that the LCD failed to fully report was the credit card misuses made by Sheriff Montgomery. While Ms. Parker has done a pretty good job of reporting exactly what she was told she fails to follow up and ask real hard hitting questions like why charges are not being filed when according to state law this kind of spending violates procedures and breaks the law.

For the most part all we read is fluff and or feel good stories with no real substance. While these types of stories are needed it should not be throughout the entirety of the whole paper.

If as you say the recent turnover will bring about change from this style of reporting then it will be a welcome one…

Anonymous said...

Actually, your source has some information wrong. The replacement for Nick is 19-years-old not 20. That's right. I'm 19. And it is true that I have no newspaper experience - just magazine experience.

Troy Moseley said...
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Troy Moseley said...

Atu75 – Of course the LCD has a lot of readers, it’s the town’s only paper, I read it online all the time. No one is saying that the paper isn’t being read.

FYI we are currently working on putting ads on the blog. Contact me for more details black_dog_society@yahoo.com or fcvu@fcso.info or use the form on the blog.

Charles Lott – Any truth the rumor that Stephens Media Group is looking to buy the LCD?

Speaking of getting some information wrong anyone want to comment on Rachel Parker’s report about the shooting that involved deputies from the sheriff’s office? Ms. Parker reported the deputies fired first but in statements given to KARK and the ADG it was the other way around.

Troy Moseley said...

Atu75 - No the LCD isn't the focus for this blog, however, it is in part the cause of it. It is our intent to publish stories and articles that don't make it to the LCD.

Anonymous said...

Atu75 said: "of course I wish the LCD would run more stories on me,"

Well, maybe you could hook Morrisey up with one of your employees and you'd get the same kind of coverage as Pam McDowell.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Stephens Media Group needs to buy the LCD, at least its corporate office would be near by and would know whats going on at the LCD and they wouldn't have all the turn over that has been happening. But as far as the employees at the LCD know its just a rumor and there hasn't been any talk around the building of Stephens buying them. It was sad to see a lot of the people go, I wish them all good luck with their new jobs.

Anonymous said...

To answer your question, blog, I have no clue as to whether or not Stephens Media Group will buy out the LCD. I don't think I would be allowed to talk about it even if I did know. However, I would like to say that I for one am very happy with current management, and while I'm sad to see so many people leaving, I'm still happy to be here myself.

As to your blog publishing stories and articles that don't run in the Cabin - I think it's a great idea, and I plan on continuing to read this blog because of it. Alot of good stories get turned out for various reasons at the Cabin - mostly because of limited space issues. If there is any kind of preferential reporting going on I am currently unaware of it.

As to Rachel Parker's alleged mistakes - I haven't researched whether she was correct or not, but getting to know her on a daily basis, I would have to say that she is fairly impartial and frank. She prefers to give an unbiased view of events to the best of my knowledge. Any shortcomings on her part were undoubtedly an oversight.

Troy Moseley said...


More on Ms. Parker's report, Deputy Bell apparently posted a comment at the Faulkner County Blog where he tells another version on the incident. Bell says they were waiting down the road for Tindoll and tried to pull him over prior to him running into the home. This wasn’t reported by any reporter and was undoubtedly left out of the press release.

I’m not faulting Ms. Parker for her story per se but it would have been nice if she had followed up her report with a comment from the deputies. Read his full statement at FCSO.INFO

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