Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Make your voice heard

Today is the day to exercise your right to vote. On the ballot are several bond issues that will affect us all. We have told you how we feel about the tax rededication for the city of Conway, now is the time to let the city’s governing body know how you feel. Get out and vote if you haven’t already.

Does anyone else find it odd that Mayor Townsell swears up and down that the tax rededication has nothing to do with the upcoming budget for 2006 then has the LCD publish only the budget bad news the day before the vote? I don’t remember seeing the 14% increase in sales tax revenue in the LCD, do you? Is the publication of the apparent budgetary woes just simply blowing smoke up our nether region to get the rededication voted in? It does make one wonder, doesn’t it.

On another note, added to the Blog is a form to email us your thoughts. Entering your name and email address is strictly optional. Look for it on the right hand side below the weather module. We are still working on the ability to allow files to be send via this form and will let you know when it’s completed.

Don’t forget to get out and vote, make your voice heard. . .


Anonymous said...

We need to vote down this tax, if for nothing else, but to protest the fact that we now have to pay over 10% just to buy a hamburger. That's absolutely ridiculous. I'm not against police or emergency protection, but I am against unpaid fines, a finance-abusing sheriff, and special interest-serving city administration. Our tax base is growing, which will increase revenue. We don't need high tax rates, we need smarter local government to exercise discipline and do what's right with the money they already have.


Let's wipe the slate clean and work on a new tax structure that smartly provides for what is needed and puts money in the hands of smart conservatives - not tax & spend liberals. -TG

Anonymous said...

You lost...