Saturday, November 11, 2006

Can you help

With the ink barely dry in the outcome of the city’s election we have a plea from a resident in Old Conway. Barbara Stroope who lives on Davis Street near Hendrix College says a Little Rock developer wants to build an apartment complex on Ash Street and she needs our help in preventing it. She writes, [link]

Currently, these developers CANNOT build high-density apartment complexes because of our neighborhood zoning (currently R-2A which allows single family homes or duplexes). They need the recommendation of the Conway Planning Commission and the approval of the City Council to change the zoning to an MF-2 and a conditional MF-3 (the highest-density multi-family housing).

Personally, I am not opposed to all rentals and apartments. I lived in apartments for 10 years before I moved to Davis St., and I understand the need for rental housing. However, our neighborhood already contains several apartment complexes. If Civil Designs builds more high-density apartments it will be a tipping point, and our neighborhood will begin to suffer. We would then have many more renters than owners and the unique balance of our neighborhood would be destroyed.

What can you do to help?

Call, call, call! Email, email, email!
Call and email the Planning Commission, City Council Members and the Mayor. The more calls and emails, the better chance we have!

Voice your opinion at the public hearing!
Most importantly, we need lots and lots of people to attend Planning Commission public hearing. Bring your families, and let the commission know how important this issue is to you.
When: Monday, November 20th, 7:00 p.m.
Where: District Court Building, 810 Parkway
Transportation: Call me if you need a ride!

Also, please join us for a pre-hearing planning session at Something Brewing Coffeehouse, Saturday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m. At this time, we will coordinate our talking points so we can provide a united front at the hearing.

Together, we can save this unique neighborhood!

Thanks, and please feel free to contact me at any time,
Barbara Stroope
1220 Davis St.
342-3105 (w) or 908-8691 (h)

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