Since our last post a few things have happened. The City Council voted to reinstate the Civil Service Commission. At the March 16th meeting of the city council passed an ordinance (O-06-24) establishing a board of Civil Service Commissioners for the fire and police departments of the City of Conway. The vote was 7-0 with Alderman Brewer not present at this meeting, it's amazing what a little press can do in an election year.
Speaking of the upcoming election it was announced that all of the City Council positions are up for consideration this year. Citywide positions (2) will be running for a 4-year term while ward only positions (1) will be 2-year terms this year and then 4-year terms in 2008.
Already we have 3 candidates making a bid for a position on the council. On Sunday Larry Rathjen, Jr. announced his candidacy for Alderman in Ward 1. In his press release Larry says,
"The biggest problem facing this city is planning," Rathjen stated. Areas of concern for Rathjen are infrastructure, specifically inadequate electrical and water supplies. Drainage and the lack of timing on traffic lights in Conway are issues that require "immediate attention," according to Rathjen.
Rathjen, who successfully led the charge to reinstate the Civil Service Commission, makes another attempt to bring fair and equal representation to the city's governing body.
Current Alderman David Grimes has also announced his run for re-election to the council in Ward 1.
"I am proud of the progress we have made, especially in regards to creating the Historic District, requiring sidewalks in new developments, and finding a way to fund parks and greenspace" Grimes said. "I would like the opportunity to continue to serve the residents of Conway as an alderman."
This first statement from Alderman Grimes seems to be an errant one when you consider the historic district has been around longer that he has. Local historian Vivian Hogue writes,
"There must have been some gremlins of misinterpretation or something somewhere, as the historic district has been in place for several years… "
Hmmm, that must be what happen this past Christmas season when Alderman Grimes apologized to downtown merchants for the city's poor planning.
"These latest improvements have taken place at just about the absolute worst time - the Christmas shopping season. Who or what is to blame? I guess it is a combination of a lot of things and the blame can be shared (by) the Conway Downtown Partnership, the Conway Street Department, Conway Corp., the contractors, the weather and the communication/cooperation or lack thereof,"
Them darn gremlins will get you every time.
Alderman Sandy Brewer announced he will not be running for re-election because he has his eyes set for a couple of other political races coming up in 2008. In fairness to the citizens of Conway he made this announcement,
"I have an interest in a couple of political races which will occur during the 2008 election year. I don't feel it would be appropriate to currently run for a four-year council term and then, if elected to another office in 2008, have to resign from the council in mid-term. This action would violate the confidence of the citizens of Conway and further create the necessity of a costly special election to fill the vacant position."
Good luck with your future aspirations Alderman Brewer, you will be missed.
On the heels of Alderman Brewer's announcement Mark Vaught is running too, although it hasn't been list in the paper yet, I don't think. But at Mark's websites he has issued these statements,
Stating the reasons he is seeking his first term as a Conway Alderman, Vaught said: "I simply want to help the citizens of Conway shape their city in a manner that benefits all of us. We are growing, which means we must always be wisely planning for the future while still addressing the current issues facing the city today."
"I want to increase the accessibility and accountability of the local government to the people it represents. In addition to focusing on current issues and future plans for the city, I will seek ideas and suggestions from our citizens and invite the public to participate in the functions of our local government."
"I appreciate the excellent work and leadership demonstrated by Alderman Brewer, and I pledge to continue to address the issues of the city in the ‘strict, business-like manner' that he accomplished in his tenure with the Council."
Vaught will be running for the ward 2, position 2 of the city council.
It's going to be an interesting year...
In closing I'd like to issue an apology of my own and offer you the opportunity to participate at this blog. Due to my active role in other websites dedicated to the county's upcoming elections I haven't had many opportunities to write here. I would like to extend an invitation to those fellow black dogs who want to heard. This blog can be a good way to get our message out there. Send me an email at and I'll make you a member.
By the way be sure and visit our 2006 county election pages at There are several races that will affect the city of Conway and are just as important as the city races.